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Re: [tg] saturday dancing

You are obviously still welcome to come on the train when you can. Someone could pick you up during our lunch break if that made sense.

On Fri, Oct 4, 2024, 2:25 PM Alex Dehnert <adehnert mit edu> wrote:
I can't really speak to why the time was set last time, but I'm pretty
sure that when the plan was being made for it, I had already acquired a
conflict and said I wouldn't be coming -- it's not like it was scheduled
around me and then I backed out.

On Fri, 4 Oct 2024, Troy Welton via tg wrote:

> I strongly disliked this schedule last time. Getting home took a long time for some reason and I failed to eat reasonable meals all day. Additionally I feel like this plan was generated to help
> Alex last time and he didn't come.... I think I would be much happier starting at 11, having lunch at 1, and dancing until we tire out at around 4 or something. (Sorry, Alex.)
> Troy
> On Thu, Oct 3, 2024, 7:26 PM Judy Anderson via tg <tg cosmos phy tufts edu> wrote:
>       So we now have to discuss schedule. What we did last time worked okay;
>       starting at 1 PM. Anybody taking the train will arrive at 12:49 at
>       Sharon Station (and Eric picks them up?) Sue either walks or gets a ride
>       from somebody who lives here. Then we have a longish break around 3:30,
>       and then we dance for another 1.5-2 hours until we are tired, or people
>       need to go back on the train at 6:32. This time I will lay in more
>       snacks.
>       Alternative suggestions? Thinking that this will satisfy "if afternoon"
>       for Alex.
>       --
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