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Re: [tg] Planning

Hi Eva,

This is the email address for the Wednesday C4 tape group. We generally dance any week that we can get 8 dancers. This seems especially likely the week before Berkshires. Typically we determine exactly where we're dancing the Monday before. I will try to remember to include you on the email I send that week about where we're dancing.


On Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 12:29 PM Eva Falk via tg <tg cosmos phy tufts edu> wrote:
hi David
hope his is David R.

I am planning for Berkshire.
Last year we danced on Wednesday at your home.

Do you already know the plans for this year? or who knows the best?


Eva Falk
Mobile +46 737 536303
+46 31 799 5636  with voicemail 
tg mailing list
tg cosmos phy tufts edu