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Re: [tg] Weds dancing: I was sick

Quickly googling (so, low confidence) it looks like you'd still be solidly in the contagious period (minimum 3 days after recovery), and also squares is a pretty optimal medium for transmission, so I think it's probably best to stay home.

This would mean that we'd need Andy L to resolve his maybe to be up.

On Tue, Jul 9, 2024, 10:57 AM Judy Anderson via tg <tg cosmos phy tufts edu> wrote:
I had norovirus last night.  Feeling better today.  Probably better enough by tomorrow to dance.  Noro is hard to kill.  Maybe I'll bring some bleach wipes to sanitize my own hands before dancing.  Or maybe I should wear gloves?  Or you can all tell me to stay home.

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tg cosmos phy tufts edu