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Re: [tg] Berkshires covid opinions solicited

Nobody who is contemplating coming to Berkshires is going to consider the cost of a handful of tests for their own use to be a big deal.   Many other events also require testing, and some people will have tests lying around from past needs.  I personally just ordered 4 covid tests with "funny money" (money that will go away if I don't spend it by 6/30).  

We could debate whether we need every day testing or whether one test Friday is sufficient.  I personally prefer every day, but I've seen other groups require one test Friday only.


On Sat, Jun 22, 2024 at 12:29 PM Alex Dehnert via tg <tg cosmos phy tufts edu> wrote:
I feel more comfortable with daily testing. My expectation is that tests
are available in bulk for much less than people can get three tests
(though if that replies travelling to Europe, maybe not usefully so), in
which case I would suggest having tests included in the dance fee (and
raising the price if necessary to do that). That said my insurance
apparently still has tests for a dollar a test (not very many and not to
share, but), so possibly both parts of that are wrong.

> though 50*3 person days * $10/test is a lot; more than the hall costs.

I feel like the more meaningful metric is "what fraction of the per-person
cost is it".

Anyway, I guess I think that if the dance is getting like normal drugstore
test prices, might as well have everyone supply their own; if it can get
significantly better prices, it should supply tests for everyone and roll
them into the dance fee.


On Sat, 22 Jun 2024, Judy Anderson via tg wrote:

>> Is it reasonable to have the protocol vary based on infection level
>> the way it does for Tape Group?  More testing if the levels are high and
>> less if they’re low?
> It might be hard to communicate the algorithm and the status to all the
> attendees in time. So I think I'd rather not have an algorithmic-based
> plan.
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