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Re: [tg] Berkshires covid opinions solicited
Is it reasonable to have the protocol vary based on infection level the
way it does for Tape Group? More testing if the levels are high and less
if they’re low?
> On Jun 22, 2024, at 9:31 AM, Judy Anderson via tg <tg cosmos phy tufts
> edu> wrote:
> The last two years for Berkshires we had a "test every day" rule. We
> could just do that again, even though tests are no longer free. We could
> decide to pay for them out of the Berkshires pocket, though 50*3 person
> days * $10/test is a lot; more than the hall costs. Sue might object :-)
> Opinions?
> --
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> tg cosmos phy tufts edu
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