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(ET) Batteries

   I have 16 SinoPoly LiFePO4 prismatic cells.   3.2 VPC nominal, 100 ah.  
I bought these new in 2019 for use in my Zeon Hustler.   One cell was bad 
at the start.  Only able to produce about 50 ah.   I tried and tired to 
buy a replacement cell to no avail.  I have about 250 cycles on these and 
two more cells are looking iffy I think due to abuse caused by the bad 
cell.  These cells can easily produce over 150 amps so not able to run an 
Elec-Trak to do work but there was some discussion about making a pack 
"just to move" a tractor around.   Anyway these are free to anyone that 
wants to drive over and pick them up.   I'm in Bainbridge Township Ohio.   
44023.  Rob Vasichek.  .
.                                                    (RAV DofTI)           
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