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Re: (ET) Fwd: Elec-trak serial numbers

Here is a theory about the ET serial number algorithm. I started with a few numbers that had been published for which Bill Gunn or other experts had given a production date (usually month and year). Adding more numbers to the list resulted in some patterns becoming apparent (or at least imaginable). So, ...

The first character is the month: A=January, B=February, etc., except that "I" is skipped, so that M=December. (They skipped "I" to avoid confusion with the digit "1".)

The second character is the year: N=1970, P=1971, R=1972, S=1973, and T=1974. (They skipped "O" and "Q", to avoid confusion with the digit "0".)

The third and fourth characters (digits) are the day of the month.

The final 3 digits are a running sequence number that rolls over from 999 to 000 if necessary. It seems that each machine type had its own sequence number series.

It is easy to sort the serial numbers if you just swap the first and and second characters; then it is in the order of year, month, day, sequence. You can take your machine's number, swap the first two characters, and then look it up in the following table. If it is not in the table, then you'll find its "neighbors".

The earliest machine on the list is AN07 672 (E15AA, built on 7 January 1970), and the latest on the list is CT28 797 (E14AA, built on 28 March 1974).

I understand that E15AA sequence number 001 exists (or existed as of May 2007) in Rochester, NY. A note on the forum from userid "Bittle" talked about it; his father was an ET engineer and bought 001 when the line closed down. He still had it as of the date of the note. I haven't been able to trace that down any closer, but it would very interesting to know the full serial number -- that would tell us when production started!

In a few days I'll try to post some additional comments about production numbers and other things that might be gleaned from this list. Please remember that these 73 are (perhaps) only about .24% of the entire population of ETs.

So, here is the list of 73 serial numbers that I found or that people sent in. I've deleted the "26AE" portion of the model numbers and have therefore used "25xx" as the model number for the I-5. The column titled "Swapped" shows the serial number with the first two characters swapped; that is where you can look up your serial number.

 Serial   Model  Year  Mon Day Seq#    Swapped

 AN07 672  15AA  1970  JAN07   672    NA07 672
 CN30 176  15AA  1970  MAR30   176    NC30 176
 DN17 324  15AA  1970  APR17   324    ND17 324
 EN08 698  15AA  1970  MAY08   698    NE08 698
 EN23 556  15AA  1970  MAY23   556    NE23 556
 GN01 767  15AA  1970  JUL01   767    NG01 767
 HN07 683  15AA  1970  AUG07   683    NH07 683
 HN12 805  15AA  1970  AUG12   805    NH12 805
 HN27 157  15AA  1970  AUG27   157    NH27 157
 JN14 595  15BA  1970  SEP14   595    NJ14 595
 JN18 114  12AA  1970  SEP18   114    NJ18 114
 JN23 238  12AA  1970  SEP23   238    NJ23 238
 JN29 364  12AA  1970  SEP29   364    NJ29 364
 KN12 659  12AA  1970  OCT12   659    NK12 659
 LN16 835  15CB  1970  NOV16   835    NL16 835
 LN19 926  15CA  1970  NOV19   926    NL19 926
 LN30 014  15CA  1970  NOV30   014    NL30 014
 MN07 132  15CB  1970  DEC07   132    NM07 132
 MN15 254  15CB  1970  DEC15   254    NM15 254
 MN16 270  15CB  1970  DEC16   270    NM16 270
 BP23 201  15CB  1971  FEB23   201    PB23 201
 CP18 770  15DA  1971  MAR18   770    PC18 770
 DP06 449  12BA  1971  APR06   449    PD06 449
 DP16 776  12BA  1971  APR16   776    PD16 776
 DP20 045  20AA  1971  APR20   045    PD20 045
 EP14 685  20BA  1971  MAY14   685    PE14 685
 EP24 863  20BA  1971  MAY24   863    PE24 863
 FP04 106  20BA  1971  JUN04   106    PF04 106
 FP15 329  20BA  1971  JUN15   329    PF15 329
 FP18 025  25AA  1971  JUN18   025    PF18 025
 FP22 038  12CA  1971  JUN22   038    PF22 038
 FP22 039  12CA  1971  JUN22   039    PF22 039
 GP21 733  12GA  1971  JUL21   733    PG21 733
 JP13 348  15EA  1971  SEP13   348    PJ13 348
 JP22 631  15EA  1971  SEP22   631    PJ22 631
 KP26 858  15EA  1971  OCT26   858    PK26 858
 LP03 026  15EA  1971  NOV03   026    PL03 026
 LP04 055  15EA  1971  NOV04   055    PL04 055
 LP05 095  15EA  1971  NOV05   095    PL05 095
 LP16 060  12EA  1971  NOV16   060    PL16 060
 MP13 726  12EA  1971  DEC13   726    PM13 726
 AR12 735  12EA  1972  JAN12   735    RA12 735
 AR14 641  12EA  1972  JAN14   641    RA14 641
 DR04 799  08BA  1972  APR04   799    RD04 799
 DR06 905  08BA  1972  APR06   905    RD06 905
 ER16 829  10CA  1972  MAY16   829    RE16 829
 FR02 594  12HA  1972  JUN02   594    RF02 594
 FR06 572  10CA  1972  JUN06   572    RF06 572
 FR16 368  20BA  1972  JUN16   368    RF16 368
 FR22 388  20CA  1972  JUN22   388    RF22 388
 GR11 784  12HA  1972  JUL11   784    RG11 784
 GR17 963  12HA  1972  JUL17   963    RG17 963
 GR21 144  12HA  1972  JUL21   144    RG21 144
 HR14 325  12HA  1972  AUG14   325    RH14 325
 JR05 833  12HA  1972  SEP05   833    RJ05 833
 JR25 639  15GA  1972  SEP25   639    RJ25 639
 KR05 838  15GA  1972  OCT05   838    RK05 838
 KR12 704  20DA  1972  OCT12   704    RK12 704
 KR20 893  20DA  1972  OCT20   893    RK20 893
 KR26 016  20DA  1972  OCT26   016    RK26 016
 LR13 252  25BA  1972  NOV13   252    RL13 252
 AS16 822  25CA  1973  JAN16   822    SA16 822
 BS28 987  25CA  1973  FEB28   987    SB28 987
 ES23 436  12JD  1973  MAY23   436    SE23 436
 JS17 089  16AA  1973  SEP17   089    SJ17 089
 JS20 150  16AA  1973  SEP20   150    SJ20 150
 KS18 896  20FA  1973  OCT18   896    SK18 896
 LS12 449  14AA  1973  NOV12   449    SL12 449
 LS13 486  14AA  1973  NOV13   486    SL13 486
 LS16 555  14AA  1973  NOV16   555    SL16 555
 AT18 678  16RD  1974  JAN18   678    TA18 678
 CT28 761  14AA  1974  MAR28   761    TC28 761
 CT28 797  14AA  1974  MAR28   797    TC28 797

Many thanks to all who sent serial numbers! Additional numbers are always appreciated and will help refine the results.

Larry Chace, Ithaca, NY