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(ET) Blowing slush

Just a quick post: We got about 2 inches of ice and "snow" last night. Wet, heavy, thick, and frozen.
Fired up the E20 with blower this morning. The chains on the wheels 
chewed through the ice to drive it up my hill and the blower happily 
shot a soupy mess about 10 feet.
The blower did not clog at all. Only time I managed to clog it was to 
run into a 4 foot snow/slush bank and stall the auger motor. And that 
clog fell out.
Once again I think the POR15 in the throat clears the clogging problems. 
I tried to shovel this gunk by hand and it weighed a ton. Very glad to 
have the Trac, only wish we had a few feet of snow.