I bought a tractor that was
recently converted to alltrax. The seller told me that he paid $1000 for
the conversion, that's controller and labor. The seller also stated that
the company that did the conversion had his tractor for two years - yipes!
I don't know if others have had other companies do there conversions for them,
but I fully understand the peace of mind that comes with a tractor that works
Bob K From: elec-trak-bounces cosmos phy tufts edu on behalf of Ralph & Elaine Vogan Sent: Sat 3/18/2006 2:56 PM To: Archive, Elec-Trak Subject: (ET) [Fwd: NEED HELP RE INSTALL ALLTRAC FOR E 14] I received this E-Mail today and was wondering if anyone could help
Ralph V ralphgv Talkamerica net -------- Original Message -------- I will be replacing my e- 14 with new controller and throttle from alltrac I was quoted 1500 for replace and wiring can this be correct or am I being taken advantage of, please respond. Joan Joanberra aol com