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Re: (ET) keeping batteries charged

Jim and others:

Request for Lester charger information:

Does anyone have access to or know a source of schematics and
calibration/repair procedures for Lester chargers?  I have a used 36-volt
"Lestronic II" with solid-state control board.  It more or less works, but
it is old and has been banged around a lot.  I suspect that the cutoff may
be set a bit high and notice a pot or two on the board which might be used
for calibrating it.  Needless to say, I am hesitant to start adjusting
until I know the procedure.  So far, the literature I've managed to get is
pretty unsophisticated.


Paul Heinzerling
Hudson, OH

PS:  I don't think that Burden's Surplus Center has a web site.  I've been
a catalog customer for years and have periodically driven myself nuts
trying to find a web site with no success.  The fact that they exist will
show up on some searches, but that's about it.