I believe that there are two strokes per revolution. One left and one right. I had the same question a while back and did some digging on the specs for an old Case mower we had on the farm with a 540 PTO. The numbers supported the two stokes per rev.


Dean Stuckmann
5432 County Road U
Newton, WI 53063-9624


On Sep 1, 2022, at 3:09 PM, Paul Anderegg <tpa2008@gmail.com> wrote:

The manual for the Haban sickle mower states the cutting speed should be
1050-1200 strokes per minute. I measured the crankshaft driving the sickle
at about 850 RPM.  Are strokes per minute considered out and back, or just
one direction? If just one direction the speed would be about 1700 strokes
per minute. If out and back then 850. This was measured in the shop with
full batteries and no load conditions using a digital tachometer.
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