Check your reverse switch/relay...if your tractor has one.  I had the same problem couple years ago...took a long time to figure it out and it ended up being this tiny switch under the speed control lever that had become congested with old grass. Could also be the reverse relay or a main contactor. My tractor is a 12M so not sure what components the 15 has but these places would be good things to check if you have them.

On Wed, Jan 5, 2022, 8:37 AM Darryl McMahon <> wrote:
It's been a hectic summer and fall, and I'm about to head off to other
tasks.  Here's my situation, and I'm hoping it sounds familiar enough
for someone to be able to offer a logical next step.

E15 was running OK in the fall.  Got parked outside for a bit, and key
switch was left on for a 2-3 weeks (got called away when originally
planning to put the snowblower on).  Life doesn't seem to care much
about my priorities.

There's also evidence of mouse presence in the front battery compartment
(new for me).

I put the snowblower back on this morning.  When I put the tractor in
forward (when I discovered the key was still on), it moved in reverse.
Putting the tractor in reverse also moves the tractor in reverse.  Front
lift works, PTO works.

Tractor is on charge now, and I won't get back out to it until tomorrow
(optimistic) or the next day (more likely).  My hope is that a full
charge and having the control circuits off for a few hours might help.
But not counting on it.

Any thoughts or guidance as to what is a likely cause for tractor moving
in reverse when forward speed is selected?

Thanks in advance.

Darryl McMahon
Freelance Project Manager (sustainable systems)

Check out the laundry microfibre catcher at:

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