Perhaps the next time I need batteries - I
can consider used EV lithium batteries. I'm not against
continuing to use lead-acid.
This weekend I'll do as you detailed and
charge them individually and then test with the
Definitely do the math when the time comes. I converted mine to
lithium last winter. I got barely used lithium ion batteries from
batteryhookup. They are batteries used in BMW i3 cars. They had
modules that are 5 cells in series, so 2 of these works great for
the ET. You need a Battery Management System to use these safely.
You need a different charger. It has to shut off when the batteries
are near full charge. trickle / float is not good for LION. You
have to also decide how to power the winch and the lights, since
tapping a lithium pack like they originally did is a big no-no.
Once I got the thing working, I got a second set of the same cells,
and paralleled the for more AH. I have about 2200 watt hours of
electricity in my batteries.
As far as how it runs, it's almost like it's plugged into unlimited
power. The voltage only drops from 40V to 36 near the end of a
discharge. (I have the BMS set to cut out before going low enough
to really stress the cells, same on the top, as this extends the
life.) Even when nearing the low point, I can be running in 4th
gear flat out, switch on the mower, and feel no glitch from the
inrush surge drawing down the batteries, not even a flicker in the
lights. This was even when I was running only one pair of these
If you ever put a set of brand new fully charged set of LA in an ET,
and go out mowing, etc, you notice how it runs... And then
gradually slows down until they are depleted. With the LION, it's
like that first 15 minutes the entire time. [unless you set the BMS
too low, and get them near zero]
I did have to add some dead weight in the back battery box, since
they are so much lighter and smaller than the lead acid.
LION vs LA -
much higher cycle life. Also, shallower cycles greatly increases
cycle life. - The main reason [along with run time] I decided to
double up.
Deeper cycles - in that with LA, you really can only get about half
the AH out of a LA at the currents drawn by mowing.
LA any state other than fully charged accelerates their demise. As
long as LION are not over discharged, it doesn't matter much.
No acid eating away the steel. And the concrete floor!