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Re: Do we have a policy for attendance after Covid exposure (not Covid)?
I (on no authority whatsoever, mind) don't think we have a specific
exposure policy.
It doesn't actually seem like you *had* an exposure if you were masked. I
think you get to do what makes you feel comfortable (although in your
shoes, I'd give the Schreiner/Leshes a wide berth for at least 5 days...)
Do feel free to disagree...
I've been utterly confused since the 'infecting all of Europe' trip, where
the positive test results lagged the symptoms by a considerable margin....
On Thu, Jan 30, 2025, 11:51 Laura Dickerson via Boston-change-ringers <
boston-change-ringers cosmos phy tufts edu> wrote:
> I did an extra volunteer shift on Tuesday at MGH. One of my
> colleagues
> tested positive that night (asymptomatic). I was masked the whole time I
> was in the building. He wasn't. My most recent shot was in December. I
> am
> hoping I am protected enough by my actions and will be testing daily for
> a
> while to be sure. I was negative today. Short-term question - presuming I
> test negative tomorrow and on the weekend days, do I skip practice on
> Saturday or service ringing on Sunday? Do we have a general policy based
> on number of negative days since exposure?
> Laura Dickerson
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