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Fairly clueless treasurer needs assistance

  Months ago, people requested a google sheet with our finances.  There is 
no template for that in Sheets (what the heck, google?) so I have asked 
youtube, but some things I am doing are not right.
The first problem is that I don't know how to share it with everybody on 
the attendance spreadsheet list. This is the link to the numbers from the 
last 2.5 years. I hope.
I tried to put the formula =(g2-e3+f3)in cell g3, and it worked for that 
one line, but I can't figure out how to generalize. It seems possible that 
I should use a different formula and put negative signs in front of each 
expense number.  
   Somebody, please stop rolling your eyes and fix it, then share it. I 
made up an opening balance because it was a nice number and I'm a little 
queasy about telling the world how much money we actually have, but am 
happy to tell people privately. There will be two more entries almost 
immediately (June 4 wedding fee from newlyweds, wedding payment to 
ringers). I have many other money topics to discuss the next time we have 
a meeting. 
   If you're buying pounds it seems like a pretty good time. 

Laura Dickerson