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Re: Duffield Major?

Yes, it looks akin to Erin Major with only one flavor of "six"., in this case right-place. 

Being curious, I ran a "Stedman" version:  x36x36x18.38x36x36.18 through a Blueline generator and came up with "Unnamed Major Method" with an appropriate 16 sixes in the plain course. I'm not sure whether this has not been rung because it is easily false or because it wad found to be un-interesting. I do note that you get one 5678 off the front in the plain course and you don't get any backstroke 87s, so that's a start, right?


ps. Sorry Ricky, first reply only went to you.

On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 8:01 PM Richard Morse via Boston-change-ringers <boston-change-ringers cosmos phy tufts edu> wrote:
Hi! I’m reading the “Ringing in History Companion”, and apparently the person who founded the Central Council also creates Duffield Major, a principle. It looks fairly straightforward — maybe we could try it one practice?


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