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Fwd: RIP Dody McGrath and Michael Dawson

I did not know Dody, but Michael had learned to ring, and rang with us for several years.

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From: rector theadventboston org <rector theadventboston org>
Date: Mon, Dec 3, 2018 at 1:23 PM
Subject: RIP Dody McGrath and Michael Dawson

Dear Members and Friends of the Church of the Advent,

It is my sadness to inform you of the death of two long time parishioners at the Advent,
Dodie McGrath and Michael Dawson. Both Dodie and Michael died yesterday, the First Sunday of Advent, our Feast of Title and Dedication. We will announce days and times for their funerals, when arrangements have been made.

May their souls and the souls of all the Faithful Departed,
By the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Father Warren