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Re: Wedding Bells at Church of the Advent October 20

Hi Josh et al,

How is the ringing for Oct 20 wedding shaping up? Jim Henle has asked me to help with a math event that day so if there are enough ringers without me and Tom we will go to Smith all day to help him out. If we are definitely needed for the wedding, what time would we need to be at Advent so we can go to Smith for the morning?


On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 9:30 PM sarah moriarty <moriarty sam gmail com> wrote:
Tom and I are deciding we can't get to DC that weekend. We are not really great ringers but if we can help we are willing to celebrate this wedding and be in Boston for the weekend.


On Thu, Aug 16, 2018, 10:23 AM Joshua Burson <joshburson09 gmail com> wrote:
Just to amplify this a bit: Kara's a personal friend of mine, AND fairly important in parish leadership, so if we could get a band of eight together from everyone who isn't going to DC - even if you haven't rung a lot in the past few months - I'd really appreciate it...

On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 5:46 AM, Ed Futcher <edfutcher gmail com> wrote:
Who knew we had another ringer at the Advent?

This is a tough date since I know several people are planning on the DC striking competition. Please let me know if you  are in town that weekend.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kara Rodgers <kara rodgers gmail com>
Date: Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 10:02 PM
Subject: Wedding Bells at Church of the Advent October 20
To: edfutcher gmail com

Dear Mr. Futcher, 

I'm a parishioner at the Church of the Advent, and I'm getting married there the afternoon of October 20. I was a change ringer in high school, and ever since then I've known that I wanted to have bells run at my wedding. Would it be possible to get a group of ringers together for that Saturday afternoon? The wedding starts at 2 pm, and I expect the mass will end about 3:30. 

Thanks for your help!

Kara Rodgers

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