Can I get some volunteers to show up for this? A volunteer to be in charge? Because I really want to be in Philadelphia on Saturday. Four people at a time is good, three to ring and one to yap.
What we need to do:
1) Get the change ringing handbells with the sally and the small box of tune ringing bells out of the office in the student center (directions available if needed)
2) go to Johnson Athletic Center and sign in between noon and 12:30. We are the Guild of Bellringers, and have been assigned table 119.
3) Set up a booth with a laptop showing a subset of ringing videos; the handbells; the sally; maybe a model bell; and the small box of tune ringing bells.
4) Put out some treats and/or loot. Wise persons plan in advance. I usually grab stuff from LaVerde's.
5) Make a signup sheet, maybe on Google Sheets.
6) From 1PM to 3PM:
Recruit all the prefrosh.
Explain how bell-ringing is the coolest thing ever, and here, you can try it right now. Ring plain hunt a lot.
7) Put it all away
Thank you!!!