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Re: NO practice tomorrow

We may want to see about getting a reservation or picking someplace
else -- my understanding is that Meadhall gets *very* crowded, even in
the middle of the week.

- Mira

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 8:20 PM, Danielle Morse <dmorsebell gmail com> 
> Not to steal Asher's thunder, but how about dinner at the Meadhall at
> 7ish?  Asher, if you have a different idea, speak up :-)
> Meadhall is in Kendall behind the Marriot, address 4 Cambridge Center.
> Danielle
> On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 7:56 PM, Elaine Hansen <EHansen minlib net> 
> wrote:
>> Tomorrow's Ash Wednesday, so there will be no practice.
>> (I believe there will be a somber, Lenten, pub gathering to bid Asher
>> farewell and good luck, but that's
>> his announcement, not mine.)
>> cheers,
>> -Elaine
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Mira Claire Whiting
miracb gmail com