Nothing after the 12th will do, because that’s when the constitution has to be uploaded.  Maybe we could approve the new constitution via email? Just the required changes?   Normally we have something that says it will comply with MIT/ASA policy, so maybe doing that doesn’t really count as a change?

On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 3:19 PM Katarina Whimsy <> wrote:
I'm not able to make it at all on the 6th, so would like to counter-propose the 13th? (the 20th would also be fine). If it really can't be any other day, then I can hopefully write up anything necessary, but I'd like to be there?


On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 1:54 PM Abigail Timmel <> wrote:
Hi all,
We said we'd have another MIT Guild meeting in the spring, so I am proposing one for 5/6 during the first hour or so of handbell practice.  This will be at MIT with a Zoom option like last time.  Let me know if there are any issues with this date.  I will send out an agenda closer to then.

On a related note, we have to make some amendments to the constitution.  A stricter re-recognition process is underway and we unfortunately have to add a >50% MIT student requirement to our membership section.  We'll send out changes for review this week and schedule the vote for two weeks later, which by this timeline will be slightly after the meeting.  There will be some online method for voting, and everyone should feel free to bring up questions and comments in the weeks preceding.


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