Oops, I’m sorry, practice was just canceled for lack of attendance tonight. There were only three signed up. Sorry.On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 5:38 PM Cally Perry <cally.perry@gmail.com> wrote:Yes! They would love to have you! Please bring a mask if you have one. Somebody else, please bring an extra, in case he doesn’t.Cheers,CallyOn Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 5:09 PM Andrew Nolan <anolan9473@gmail.com> wrote:Hi Elaine,It's Andrew from Christ Church in Dublin again, how are you?I'm in Boston for work again at the moment. If you're ringing in the Advent tonight, may I join? Sorry about the short notice, I can never tell if I'll be able to escape the office or not!Thanks,AndrewOn Thu 26 Oct 2023, 17:06 Andrew Nolan, <anolan5@tcd.ie> wrote:Sure, no problem. Just checking!AndrewOn Thu 26 Oct 2023, 18:51 Elaine Hansen, <elainemhansen@gmail.com> wrote:Yes for masks(Barring a sudden plummet in prevailing infection rate.)On Thu, Oct 26, 2023, 11:35 Andrew Nolan <anolan5@tcd.ie> wrote:Hi Elaine,That's great, thanks a mill! We're fixing Daylight Savings in Ireland this weekend, so I'll get two lazy Sundays in a row! Unfortunately, my flight on Wednesday is too early to make practice in Advent but I'll look forward to practice on Saturday and the service rings on Sunday. And just to check, are masks still needed in the tower?Thanks,AndrewOn Wed, 25 Oct 2023 at 23:10, Elaine Hansen <elainemhansen@gmail.com> wrote:Oh! If you're still here on the evening of 8 November you're quite welcome to join us for Advent practice (7-9pm)-elaineOn Wed, Oct 25, 2023, 14:21 Elaine Hansen <elainemhansen@gmail.com> wrote:There will *not* be practice at Advent on 1 November (we're being nice to the rehearsing all-saints musicians)We'd be delighted to have you join us for Old North practice on Saturday 4 November (11:15am-1:15pm) and/or for service ringing on 5 November (10am at Advent ; noon at Old North)Note carefully that we (as a country) screw with the clocks early Sunday morning....end of summer time, fall back an hour.On Wed, Oct 25, 2023, 13:08 Andrew Nolan <anolan5@tcd.ie> wrote:Hello again,My name is Andrew, I'm a ringer in Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin. I rang with you in the Advent back in January. I'll be visiting Boston for work again next week from 31st October to 8th November. It would be great if I could join your ringing while I'm in Boston, if possible!Thanks,Andrew