I think we *should *ask if we can ring at 9:30 at Advent. Dale, are you
still in charge of that?
Also, it would be great if we could get one more person for ringing, at
least at ON. We could just mostly do rounds, so anybody who can handle a
bell on their own (Rachael? Elishka? Katherine? Geoff P.? somebody I don't
know about/people who haven't rung for a while?) would be very welcome!
On Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 2:26 PM Laura Dickerson via Boston-change-ringers <
boston-change-ringers@cosmos.phy.tufts.edu> wrote:
> Both churches are having the main morning service at 10 AM, I think
> so that people can rest up for the later services that day. Old North is
> just having morning prayer (no communion) so they expect the service may
> end as early as 10:45. They are not open to tourists in the afternoon.
> Priscilla (office administrator) and I have agreed that we will ring for 15
> minutes and then leave, so that nobody has to hang around long to lock up
> after us. There are three of us signed up. Josh and I did ON service
> ringing once by ourselves, so it isn't unprecedented. I don't know what to
> do about ringing at the Advent - before the main service would mean 9:30
> until 9:50. That would need to be approved, I suppose.
> Laura Dickerson
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