Hi folks,

We're looking forward to seeing people tomorrow!

One heads up: I (Dale) have been feeling a little under the weather the last couple of days. We don't think it's anything nefarious (in particular I've four negative covid tests in the last few days), but I'll likely isolate upstairs away from people and not come out to the yard. Do let us know any questions/concerns.

Hope you're all well, and looking forward to seeing you (from afar) tomorrow.


On Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 9:54 AM Dale Winter <moikney@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi folks,

It's almost Halloween. And we miss seeing folks. So we'd love to invite people for pumpkin carving. We'll target next Sunday (October 22nd), from around 2.00. We'd love to see you if you can make it!

We can provide: gloves, carving instruments, drinks, snacks, and pumpkins by arrangement (please let us know if you want one so we can collect it). We'll be outdoors if the weather is good, falling back indoors if not.

RSVPs appreciated but not required. +1s (or +ns)  always welcome

Hope to see you then!

Dale, Emily, Robin, and Alex