My first concern is if we are able to afford it moving forward. I would be interested to learn what is our average revenue per year (in dollars) so we can project onwards. This year, there has been no weddings so far which I think I was told is a first. With the surplus of savings at time, I think it is fine for now.
In the effort of digitalizing and less material, I would advocate if we can semi-publicly show a reference link (like a QR code) to the rolling publication where it is posted in each ringing chamber. However, I learned to my surprise that the online publication is only readable for 1 week after reading. So this wouldn't work.
Since the magazine lives only at Old North and select ringers ring only at Advent, I wonder if we alternate the location of the material to Advent every month, make the reading material more valuable to the guild.
Wrote this email to share some thoughts and hopefully get some ideas pondering for the future.