Ok, the various singers I know have passed, so a wider offering. (With choral performances, I give singers a days headstart)
Both concerts are at Emmanuel church, on Newbury St, right by the public gardens.
As always, it’s only one ticket, and free to the first to claim. (And yes, if you know someone that would enjoy this, pass it along). Bemf.org has specific details, and often a video sample.
5 pm music of Hildegard von Bingen for women’s voices. She was a 12th century Abbess, and noted as a mystic, herbalist, composer, and a person who has visions.
8 pm the London vocal ensemble Stile Antico has a program of Renaissance music “for and by women”
Yes, this festival has women in music as a theme. It first happened because of the operas they picked. One was the oldest known opera with libretto by a woman, the other was the oldest know opera with a female composer.
This planet needs a lot more kids who think taking a lawnmower apart is more
fun than playing a videogame