It’s the every other year marathon of early music concerts.  as a result:

1: I won’t be at handbells (Monday or Wed) next week.  

2: if anyone wants to visit the instrument exhibit/marketplace (during the day, Wed->Sat, with special events for families on Saturday) I have passes. 

3:  I have tickets available (single) to many of the concerts. (A few are already claimed). Check out for the schedule. (There are 17 concerts in total, to fit them in, weekdays have 3 every night, starting at 5, 8, and 10:30pm). 

Email to claim, free to first claimant.  

Celebrate Susan's life 1956-2020
Founder: The New England Rubbish Deconstruction Society

This planet needs a lot more kids who think taking a lawnmower apart is more
fun than playing a videogame