We just traversed the Mass Pike, Boston to Schenectady, and noted signs for the Barnes / Westfield Air Show next weekend, where the primary interest was the notice of extra traffic. The air base is West of the exit for 91, but people coming from Boston might want to include some extra travel time and look at routes that get off the Pike earlier.

Or people could get a two-fer, air show and ringing.

The primary flying exhibitions are 10:00-15:30, so one would think air show fans would be off the roads at our transit times. One could be wrong. And one should nevertheless be alert for distracted drivers.


On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 10:04 AM Leland Kusmer <me@lelandpaul.com> wrote:
Just a reminder — we do quarter (and eighth) peal attempts at Smith on the
second Saturday of the month; this month that's May 13th. If you're
potentially interested in coming out to ring, add your name to the "Second
Saturdays" tab here:


If you're interested in ringing something this month, please sign up by the
end of the day on Wednesday the 10th.

Hope to see many of you soon!
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