Never mind. Naomi is able to edit with Google drive. We’ll make the minimum needed corrections/amendments and send a copy along.Specifically, we’ll add a member removal clause to remove someone voted out by a 2/3 majority, and reduce the membership requirements for MIT student handbell ringers to plain hunt.On Fri, May 20, 2022 at 4:41 PM Cally Perry <> wrote:We need to amend rather urgently. Can you please send me an editable version?On Sat, Jun 30, 2018, 10:55 AM Joseph Gurkan <> wrote:Hi everyone!ÂIf you haven't already, please vote to approve the MIT Constitution of 2018. The polling will close at 2:03 PM!ÂI will then publish the results and go from there!ÂThanksRegards,
Joseph Gurkan--On Sat, Jun 23, 2018, 2:03 PM Joseph Gurkan <> wrote:Ladies, Gentlemen, Variations Thereupon.The moment of truth has arrived. It has been exactly two weeks since the publication of the MIT Guild of Bell Ringers Constitution of 2018. After hearing people's thoughts and comments, we've taken them into account and edited the document as such. Now it is time to vote for the approval of the second version of the 2018 constitution (2018-B).ÂAttached is that version.Will there be war? Will there be peace? Will the tenor never move from 8th place in call changes? Or will we get stickers when we strike evenly... no limit per ringer? We shall see in the results of this voting.Regards,
Joseph Gurkan
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