By my count that's five (including me) who could be there exactly on time, so I'm gonna say let's do the thing (and caveat that I'd love to meet people there around 11 if having earlier deadline makes it easier)

Would it be possible for me to like...wait at the gate if necessary to let folks in, or would Tim have to be the one there? (I am happy to do so if that makes it easier on him)


On Fri, Mar 4, 2022, 18:12 Elaine Hansen <> wrote:
I'm on the hook for delivering Alison Stevens to the airport for an 11:25 flight, so was planning to be on time for a wonder...

(Also fine with cancelling if we'd rather not use up our stock of Tim goodwill)

On Fri, Mar 4, 2022, 16:33 Richard Morse via Boston-change-ringers <> wrote:
Hi! Julius is not available tomorrow. Tim could let us in *only* at 11:15a, and then lock up exactly at 1:15p, but he has a lot of other appointments, so he can’t be flexible about this.

Do we think we can actually all be there at 11:15a? Not 11:20a, but 11:15a? If not, we will have to cancel…

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