Hi all,

two notes from Old North.

Firstly the lantern service will be Wednesday April 13th  at 7pm, and they are looking for ringing at the end, likely around 8 for up to 15 miniutes. This is potentially challenging, since it coincides with Advent practice. I'll add it to the attendance sheet, but would be glad of feedback on how to proceed.

Secondly there is an invitation to view an Old North film below for which ringers were a part. Please take a look if interested.

Thanks all, and stay warm this weekend!


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Catherine Matthews <cmatthews@oldnorth.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 3, 2022 at 11:39 AM
Subject: Fwd: Invitation to 'Old North' virtual premiere from Reciprocity Collaborative
To: Catherine Matthews <cmatthews@oldnorth.com>

Hi all!

It is hard to believe that it has been over 2 years since the Reciprocity Collaborative was at Old North doing their interpretative residency of the site.  The film is now completed and the Collaborative would like to invite everyone who was part of the planning, part of the film, or is part of the current Old North staff to view it and to be part of a virtual celebration. The invitation is below.  For those of you who weren't with Old North at that time, the residency was an opportunity brought to Old North by the National Park Service and which Steve Ayres immediately saw as having  the potential to be really unique and thought-provoking.

I've seen the film and found it truly poignant to watch the segments that show the pre-pandemic operation of the site: to watch Priscilla placing the hymn numbers on the board; Tim lighting the candles; the bellringers physically enacting a pattern; Steve and Elle celebrating services; and our educators interacting with visitors.  

With best wishes to you all,

Catherine Matthews
Director of Education, Old North Church & Historic Site
193 Salem Street, Boston, MA 02113
(617) 943-9351| www.oldnorth.com | She/Her

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Sue Murad <sue.a.murad@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 3, 2022 at 10:52 AM
Subject: Invitation to 'Old North' virtual premiere from Reciprocity Collaborative
To: Catherine Matthews <cmatthews@oldnorth.com>
Cc: Ilya Vidrin <ilya.vidrin@gmail.com>, Jenna Pollack <jenna.pollack@gmail.com>, Barendregt-Ludwig, Kristin <kristin.barendregt-ludwig@yale.edu>

Jenna kneeler Logo.png

Dear Old North Church community,

Join us to celebrate the virtual premiere of Old North, a film culminating the year-long creative residency we shared with you in 2018. We thank you for all the generous ways you spent time with us. You supported our research and artmaking through answering our very practical questions, educating us with the church's history (adding your own personal reflections), allowing us to document your role in the flow of the community, participating in our movement experiments, and much more. Our film would not be the same without your presence, openness and trust. We hope you enjoy our creation!

Watch the Trailer !

About the film:

Inspired by the architecture, history, and community of Boston’s oldest church known for its role in the American Revolution, a group of artists and dancers inhabit a site that is both a national park and a parish. For one year they follow the site’s daily rhythms, and offer slight alterations of actions and practices traditionally embedded in the space. In the final months, they document their embodied research, inviting participation and play from their friends, peers, clergy, congregation, park staff, and tour groups. Although filmed in 2019, a foreshadowing emerges that touches on the personal and communal, the public and the private, the past and the present. Old North is an introspective portrait of a sacred and civic space, paired with music by Andrew Bird and held together like a poem.

Old North 

Created by Sue Murad and Jenna Pollack

Produced by Reciprocity Collaborative

70 minutes


In the spirit of the project, the premiere is a series of four screenings on each Sunday in February, beginning next week. The link will be available for the full 24-hour period each Sunday, so please watch at your leisure. We look forward to a time when an in-person formal premier can happen, but until then, we are happy to share this moment with you!  We’re hosting a public reception and celebration via Zoom on Sunday, February 20th for the general public, and a special reunion event for all of us who were involved in the residency on Sep 27th at 7pm.  


Sunday, February 6

Sunday, February 13

Sunday, February 20  Public celebration and reception at 7pm EST

Sunday, February 27   Old North Reunion event 7pm EST

Click here to register to view the film! You can register at any time and will be sent a link on the date(s) you have requested.

Thank you and please feel free to forward this email on to others!

Sue, Jenna, Ilya and Kristin

1 Balcony.jpg2 Bell Ringer 3.jpg3 Tip 2.jpg4 Aisle .jpg

Sue Murad
Interdisciplinary Artist