Hi folks,

Old North are inviting us to join in the brass polishing effort again this year. Details below. Please consider joining if you can!


...We are having a covid-modified brass polishing party on our usual date of the Saturday before Thanksgiving.  Our bell ringer friends have often joined in on that fun and I am hoping a group will be available again this year.  Of course, we didn't do this last year, so the chandeliers really need it!  

The plan is to have two shifts on Saturday, November 20 -- 9:30 - 12:30 and 1pm-4pm and then if needed, an additional session Sunday after church.  Could you please spread the word?  Also, we are asking people to register so we can plan accordingly for a bit of spreading out for social distancing.  This is the link ... perhaps you could share that as well:  https://rsvp.church/r/ThNRigfN 
To register, simply scroll to the dates listed as "Brass Polishing Extravaganza" -- November 20 and 21.