Hi folks,

Passing along a request from Old North for help with crowd control Sunday mornings.

Historically folks from the Old North historic site have manned the doors at Old North during Sunday services, allowing worshippers to enter but asking tourists to wait until services are done. At the moment, however, the historic site is closed Sundays, so that job is falling on the congregation. The vicar, Matthew Cadwell, asked if we might be able to help.

The request is for volunteers to man the doors Sundays from about 1030-1200. In the first instance they are looking for help for a few months, perhaps until October. They may be able to pay a small honorarium (think comparable to ringing for a wedding, but TBD).

The ideal solution here would be if one or a few ringers are interested in doing this regularly, in which case please let me know and I can put you in touch with the church. If instead there's a larger group each willing to do one or two weeks we could have a discussion about trying to cover this collectively. 

Obviously this does coincide with Advent ringing, which isn't ideal. On the other hand I think the church is feeling pretty stretched at the moment, so any help we can provide would be hugely appreciated.

Please let me know thoughts,
