Hi all,
In the wake of yesterday's successful QP, I had another look at Bristol, trying to understand it via my traditional method of turning it into a sort of mostly-rule-based Methodoku.  Sending this out to non-Bristol ringers, on the off-chance case that people are interested:
-  This is a palindromic Surprise method (i.e.: the treble treble-bobs, and if you just drew the lines on a piece of paper, leaving out the numbers, they would form a mirror image across the half-lead, when the treble's lying behind; see also http://jaharrison.me.uk/Ringing/Glossary/P.html.)
- There are no long places (i.e., you never strike more than two blows in the same position in a row.)
- The #6 starts by making a Stedman whole turn in 5-6, then makes a fish tail (7th, 8th, 7th, 8th, 7th) in 7-8.  They then dodge in 5-6, run in,make a point lead, make places in 4-5, run out, make a point at the back, and run back in.
At the start of the NEXT lead, they're going to dodge in 3-4 and then do a fishtail in 1-2.