Hi all,
In addition to meeting up on Saturday afternoon, Michael and I are going to try to find dinner somewhere outdoors tomorrow night.  Possibly impossible on a Friday night; but we're figuring that we can have Ernesto's as our backup plan.  If anyone would like to join us, we're going to meet in front of the Public Market at 5:45.  (Let us know in advance so that we'll know to look out for you!)

On Sat, May 8, 2021 at 2:17 PM Michael Tartell <tartell@g.harvard.edu> wrote:
Hi All,

I've finally escaped lab for a vacation, and I'm stopping by Boston from
Thursday May 13 to Sunday May 16.

I've been informed in-person ringing is extremely limited, but I'd love to
at least see as many people who are comfortable (I'm vaccinated, but would
still prefer outdoors).  If the weather is good, maybe something Saturday
or Sunday afternoon (the 15th or 16th)?

Hope everything is going well over there!

-Michael Tartell
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