Hi folks,

Old North wrote to say that they really appreciate our efforts ringing for events recently (lantern service and Prince Philip). Added to which my thanks to all involved in organizing or ringing for these events. Catherines message attached.

Thanks all!


---------- Forwarded message ---------

Dear Dale,

Please convey our gratitude to the guild for both the solemn recognition of Prince Philip’s funeral and for the joyful cascade at the end of Lantern2021. It is a humbling thing to even contemplate the many events and contexts for which Old North’s bells have been rung—we are grateful to this generation of ringers for making the bells a part of history-making as much as they are of history. 

Catherine Matthews
Director of Education, Old North Church & Historic Site
193 Salem Street, Boston, MA 02113
(617) 943-9351| www.oldnorth.com | She/Her