Hello all,

We have some disappointing news (see below) from the Advent, where in person services are being suspended due to updated occupancy requirements. I understand from Austin that this likely means that we will be cancelling service ringing at Advent this week (Austin please correct me if I am wrong). We do not yet know what it will mean in the longer term, and are seeking guidance from the church on that.

I did just check with sexton at Old North who confirms that we ARE still good to ring there starting this week per John's arrangements. I could imagine that the same guidance from the bishops may end up impacting that, but we will have to wait and see.

Thanks all,


Excerpt from the Advent newsletter (just copy pasting the text as the body ends up hitting size limits for the list)

Dear Parishioners & Friends of the Advent,

I have received a communication from the Bishop advising further changes to our worship patterns during this Covidtide.

The diocesan communique reiterates the counsel, given in June, that in-person church services cannot be advised. However, should services be held, precautions (masks, Communion in one kind, distancing, registration, etc.) remain in place. These we have observed faithfully and successfully since we reopened in July. To my knowledge, since July, we have not had a COVID diagnosis amongst anyone attending Mass at the Advent.

The Massachusetts Safety Standard for Public Worship currently limits occupancy at a religious service to 40% of the building’s occupancy – in our case some 160 persons at any one time. Given that we are averaging about 120 souls per Sunday, split between two Masses, these occupancy levels have not been an issue for us. However, the new diocesan guidelines provide for a maximum of 25 persons at any one time, in light of increased infection rates. This maximum of 25 is based on the Commonwealth guidelines for secular indoor event venues: “where state standards for places of worship are more permissive than those for other gathering places, we expect our churches to adhere to the more limited standards provided for other public venues.” The bishops write of their hope that “… renewed restrictions, while causing short-term disappointment, will help us traverse the coming months in greater health …”

This new attendance threshold means that we cannot do things as we have been doing them for the last five months. This news was received at noon on Thursday, so the leadership team of the Advent has not yet had time to digest the implications of the new guidance and how it will play out in our particular circumstances.

Accordingly, until we can get a handle on things,

You should expect a further update from me next week.

Needless to say, this new guidance is disappointing. The Mass, both Meal and Sacrifice, is of great importance to our spiritual, emotional, and psychological well-being. The Church is, of her very nature, the gathering of the baptized; and indeed, the Greek word ekklesia means ‘the assembly of believers called out of the world’. In this corporate worship “we unite ourselves with others to acknowledge the holiness of God, to hear God’s Word, to offer prayer, and to celebrate the sacraments” (Catechism, BCP, p. 857). As Henri de Lubac famously said, “the Eucharist makes the Church.”

In the midst of this disappointment, yours and mine, I would offer three thoughts, all drawn from the calendar of the Church, and which I have found helpful. Perhaps you will too.

First, this coming Sunday is the culmination of the ecclesiastical year, the Feast of Christ the King. Some have taken of late to calling it The Reign of Christ, but I think this is unsatisfactory. Growing up in Canada, a constitutional monarchy, I know that The Queen reigns, but does not rule. Christ both reigns and rules! As the Missal Preface puts it, he is “King of all … subduing unto his rule the whole creation … a kingdom endless and universal; a kingdom of truth and life; a kingdom of grace and holiness, a kingdom of peace, of love and of righteousness.” I would remind you that, whatever is going on, in whatever circumstances we find ourselves, Christ is King, and all – including the demonic forces of pestilence and disease – is subject to his sway and sovereignty. God has made him “far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come” (Eph 1:21). We know how the story turns out. In the end, His will be done!

Secondly, Advent will soon be upon us. Advent is the season of waiting, watching, and expectation. With God’s ancient people we cry: “O that thou wouldest rend the heavens and come down” (Isa. 64:1, Lesson for Advent I). This Covidtide too has been a season of waiting: “Wait two weeks to level the curve; wait a few weeks more; wait until we have a vaccine; wait until the vaccine is distributed. Wait.” Waiting is hard. I am consoled by the fact that therapeutics continue to improve, and that a vaccine will soon be made available, and that in the fullness of time, things will resolve themselves. It will get better.

Thirdly, I think of the Paschal Mystery: that is, the death and resurrection of our Lord. The pattern, both for Christ, and we little christs (for that is what Christian means), is always death and resurrection, dark winter giving way to a bright spring. For many in our parish and the wider society, this time has been very difficult indeed: loneliness and sickness and suffering, economic devastation, concerns about civil and ecclesiastical liberties – it is possible to be concerned with more than one thing at once! For some, it may seem that they are sealed up in the darkness of the tomb. But again, we know how the story turns out: As we sing at Easter:

Death’s mightiest powers have done their worst,
And Jesus hath his foes dispersed;
Let shouts of praise and joy outburst. Alleluya!

As I said, you will hear more from me next week. In the meantime, know that you may call any of your priests for counsel, or simply for a sympathetic ear.