Hi! Do we have any good recordings of the Old North tower bells hunting (I think on 4?) and Stedman Doubles?

And then, I don’t know what the handbells were doing — does anyone remember? — I think this was when we were in the sanctuary?


Begin forwarded message:

From: Jenna Pollack <jenna.pollack@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: checking in!
Date: November 12, 2020 at 10:56:20 AM EST
To: Richard Morse <pukku@mac.com>
Cc: Sue Murad <sue.a.murad@gmail.com>

Hi Ricky,

Hope you're hanging in there!

Might you have any recordings of the guild doing Plain Hunt, Stedman, and the handbells? We really want the sonic quality of your work to be better represented than what our camera caught :)

Cyber care,
jenna + sue