Dear Boston Change Ringers,

I'm writing with an update on plans for ringing at Advent during the covid pandemic.

This message is going to the bcr list and also to Fr. Anderson, Rector of the Advent, and Jim Wood, the parish secretary. I'll leave the Advent folk in bcc so that they are not automatically cc'd on any organizational replies;  if you explicitly do want to add them to a reply their emails are available here.

Church services have now restarted at the Advent and I'm delighted to say that Fr Anderson has given the green light to us doing some ringing in support of those services. This is fantastic news and really exciting to many of us. There are some conditions attached, though, so please read carefully to the end of this message!

Because of the ongoing pandemic the church has set some requirements for how we re-start ringing:
  • registration of those in attendance
  • anyone displaying symptoms of COVID or having been in contact with such a person will stay home and observe quarantine protocols.
  • masks to be worn and spacing to be kept.
  • limit of four on number of people present
  • an acknowledgement via email to the church that anyone ringing in the tower has been informed by you of these guidelines, and has been advised as to the risks inherent in such gatherings.  Please do this by email to those ringing, copying the church on your email
These guidelines represent the understanding by which our group is being allowed back into the tower. Please read them carefully and respect them at all times. If you come across any issues please let Austin and Dale know as soon as possible.

To the church's last requirement, do remember that there are covid-related risks in any gathering, especially in a relatively small indoor space such as the the church tower. These risks apply to each of us and also to our families, housemates, and communities, so it is incumbent on us to be careful and aware. Ringers should make sure that they understand and are comfortable with these risks before attending service ringing.

I believe Austin will be following up shortly with more detailed rules for how we intend to put the church's requirements into practice, incorporating feedback from the band as well as the advice that has been given to the wider ringing community.

Really excited to get the bells going again, and looking forward to ringing with many of you soon!

Best wishes to all, and stay safe,
