Hi all,

I have volunteers for this so probably all set. Thanks and stay safe!


On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 11:17 AM Dale Winter <moikney@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi folks, 

we've had the following request for ringing at ON in celebration of July 4th. It sounds like it would be just one ringer/household on this occasion. Please let me know promptly if interested.



Hi, Dale!

Hope you and your family are well.  

We received the attached inquiry from the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution regarding an organized 'ringing' on July 4 at 2pm.  They are looking for sites to toll a bell(s) just 13 times.  Do any members of the guild happen to live in the neighborhood and, if so,  might be s/he be interested in participating?  The church won't be open to visitors but the gift shop will be open so access is possible.