Boo, but probably sensible.

On Sat, May 30, 2020 at 4:00 PM Mary Platt <> wrote:
Dear NAGCR Member,

It is with much sadness that I have to forward the following message I have just received from Richard Harris, Tower Captain, Honolulu.  Although I was always dubious, given the current circumstances, I was hoping the situation would have eased allowing us to travel by October.   As it is unlikely that large gatherings and meetings will be possible anywhere in North America, the Executive has decided that we are going to have the event virtuallyIt was agreed to plan on having a video-chat AGM, hopefully with associated virtual ringing, speakers, and socializing. We will be investigating the best virtual platform to use.  Please send me any thoughts/ideas/suggestions.  I will forward more details as they arise, however, we plan to hold the meeting/event over the same weekend.

I want to thank the Honolulu ringers for all the work, effort and preparation that they have put into the event and hope that we will be able to hold an AGM there in the future.

Cheers, Bruce
President, NAGCR

Aloha from Hawaii. 
We here have been planning a wonderful event in Honolulu this fall. However, due to the current situation in the State and Globally, we have been forced to cancel hosting the NAGCR 2020 Honolulu AGM. While we were trying hard to think of creative ways to proceed with the event, in the end the Bishop of Hawaii, and of our Cathedral, made the call the cancel any large gatherings of people for at least the remainder of the year. 
We, the Honolulu Ringers, are so sad to cancel, but I know we'll all be together again before too long.  I look forward to ringing with you in Honolulu in the future. 
Richard Harris