How about alcohol in a spray bottle, to spray on the ropes and sallies.  It would disinfect and improve grip, and should be safe for the ropes, (but don't spray in people's faces).

On Fri, Mar 13, 2020, 10:01 AM <> wrote:

      I reached out to the change-ringers list about sanitizing ropes.  The general agreement is that one can't sensibly do it, but an interesting fact I was given is that the virus can live less than three days on a fabric surface, which I guess would include linen or wool. So from service ringing to the next practice session, maybe the ropes will self-sanitize?
     Everyone suggested
hand hygiene, someone else mentioned my idea of sticking to one rope per person.  I have decided to severely cut back my T usage , so I won't be at practice, but would suggest that someone clean the tower doorknobs and the handrails at Old North after the 11 AM tour . (Dale - are they still running tours?) and that everybody do the full hand wash before heading up to the ringing room.  I left a new roll of paper towels on the shelf above the toilet last week.  Each person should dry with a fresh paper towel instead of everybody sharing the same cloth hand towel (or using one's clothing).  I also put a new box of tissues in the ON ringing room, and would hope that people would sanitize after tissue use or inadvertent face-touching. And stop sticking fingers in the Cornhusker's bottle ( I may be the only one who does that ).

Laura Dickerson

PS as a contribution to the popular list of songs to sing while washing, it seems that from rounds to back rounds is about the right duration
although my favorite currently is Gloria Gaynor singing I will survive while washing
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