"Gee Kat, you're always taking so many notes! Isn't that a little weird?"


"Well, will you share them?"


"Why not???"

Because the notes I take on my phone are (at times) an actual _diary_ as much as a report of what I've been ringing. It may or many not be useful or interesting to know what I've been ringing and when. It's...not exactly helpful to anyone (including me) to know what my anxiety and Rejection-Sensitive Dysphoria were doing to me while I was ringing it.

But, here's the next best thing: A three page spreadsheet with well over 2000 lines about what I've rung, and occasionally what the rest of you have rung along the way.



Q: The format of this spreadsheet is very nonsense
A: Yes, thank you. I designed it myself! There are pretty colours because I like those! Years 2018 and 2019 are in reverse chronological order because that was easier to transcribe from my diary. Year 2020 should be good.

Q: Speaking of 2020, are you planning to update this moving forward?
A: I mean...it would be weird...not to? But I don't know how regularly/frequently I'll be doing so. It takes a lot of motivational energy to get it done (see also that I originally wanted to finish this for the AGM,, six months ago). Reminders will help, I expect!

Q: You could make it publicly editable, so other people could help!
A: I absolutely could do that and I absolutely will not do that. This one is mine. You are welcome to make a copy and do...I dunno, whatever is a reasonable amount of nefarious? But you can't edit my copy, it's _mine_.

Q: You made a mistake on page 3 line 355
A: I am quite sure I made *plenty* of mistakes. I'd say it's 99+% accurate for me, and like...90% accurate for anything else I've written down. If there's an actual worth-fixing mistake (I spelled someone's name wrong, for instance) please let me know. If you think you rang something different three years ago and want me to change that? I...guess? I dunno. If you read it well enough to find mistakes you are a) crazy and b) welcome to share them.

Q: So there's JohnB and JohnS and JohnD. Who is just John?
A: Statistically, JohnB, but if I didn't specify in my original diary, I generally didn't specify in here. Sorry!

Q: And the difference between Alison and Allison...?
A: One of them spells her name with one l (I think) and moved away. The other spells her name with two l's (I think) and moved here. (There is at least a third Al(l)ison, who I have rung with very little).

Q: Do you actually expect us to read all this?
A: I expect literally nothing. I have made the spreadsheet, you can't cause me to unmake it. If it is interesting or useful to you, peruse or use it. If it is boring and pointless, ignore it. Y'all are adults, you know what you care about. I just think it's silly of me to hoard data, and I'm proud of myself for completing A Project because my ADHD brain does not readily do that. Also, I really really like data, and you might as well.

Q: Anyways, thank you. This looks like it took a lot of time.
A: You're welcome! I did probably at least half of this on various airplanes (Most recently the six hour flight from BOS to SEA while watching movies on the other half of my screen) and another third at the AGM. I am pleased to have created it and hope you enjoy it!
