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BAPC for the week of 9/30/19 - 10/4/19

Please send ON TIME LISTINGS for each week's calendar to:
mailto:bapc-events cosmos phy tufts edu%3c 
DEADLINE: 12 noon on the Thursday before the week in question.
LATE ANNOUNCEMENTS, changes, or cancellations can be sent to:
 mailto:bapc-late cosmos phy tufts edu%3c
Please note that announcements to the late address go directly to everyone 
on the list. 
Use with consideration. 
SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE to/from the BAPC calendar: 

MONDAY, 9/30/19
Monday, September 30, 2019
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center of Theoretical Physics
Nuclear and Particle Theory seminar
Cosman seminar room 6c-442
``The Unbearable Heaviness: from Open Quantum System to Quarkonium 
Transport inside Quark-Gluon Plasma"
Xiaojun Yao, MIT-CTP

4:00 PM/ Reception 3:30PM
Monday, September 30th, 2019
 Brown University                                          
"Quantum Simulation of quantum field theory in the light-front formulation"
Associate Professor Peter Love, Tufts University

4:00 pm
Monday, September 30, 2019
Nuclear and Particle Physics Colloquium
"Deep Learning, Quantum Information, and the LHC as a Gluon Factory"
Benjamin Nachman, SITC

TUESDAY, 10/1/19
12:00 pm
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
LNS Lunchtime Seminar
Jasmine Brewer, MIT

2:30 pm
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Tufts University
Joint Tufts/MIT Cosmology Seminar
574 Boston Ave, Room 316
"A quantum-classical duality and emergent space-time"
Vitaly Vanchurin, University of Minnesota, Duluth Refreshments at 2:00 
outside room 304

Tuesday, October 1
Brandeis University
String Theory Seminar  
Abelson 307
"Anomalies and Bounds on Charged Operators"  
Shu-Heng Shao
Institute for Advanced Study  

WEDNESDAY, 10/2/19
4:00 PM
Wednesday, October 2, 2019   
Boston College
Colloquium Series                                                 
Higgins Hall 310     
"Cancer is a Mitochondrial Metabolic Disease: Implications for Novel 
Thomas Seyfried, Boston College

4:00 PM
Wednesday, October 2, 2019   
Harvard University Joint Quantum Seminar
Jefferson Building, Room 250
"Quantum simulating lattice gauge theories: 'particle physics' with 
Rydberg atom arrays
Prof. Marcello Dalmonte, International Centre for Theoretical Physics

THURSDAY, 10/3/19
Thursday, October 3rd 2019
UMass Boston
Physics Colloquium
"Quantum steampunk: Quantum information meets thermodynamics"
Nicole Yunger Halpern, Harvard-Smithsonian ITAMP
Questions: mailto:Maxim Olchanyi umb edu

4:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 3rd 2019
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The David and Edith Harris Physics Colloquium Series
Building 10, Room 250
"Physics of Wind Musical Instruments."
Nick Giordano, Auburn University
Refreshments @ 3:30 PM in 4-349

FRIDAY, 10/4/19
3:00 pm                 
Friday, October 4, 2019
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Plasma Science and Fusion Center Seminar
Building NW17-218 
"Developing the physics basis for power exhaust solutions for a compact 
pilot plant"
John Canik, Oak Ridge National Laboratory


Stephanie Clayman
Harvard University Physics Department
Jefferson 360, 17 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138