4:00pm Wednesday, December 3, 2014 Brandeis University Eisenbud Lectures in Mathematics and Physics Abelson 131 "Nodal domains for Maass (modular) forms." Peter Sarnak Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton University Refreshments at 3:30pm outside Abelson 131
4:00pm Thursday, December 4, 2014 (not Friday, December 5 as published) Brandeis University Eisenbud Lectures in Mathematics and Physics Abelson 131 "Families of zeta functions, their symmetries and applications." Peter Sarnak Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton University Refreshments at 3:30pm outside Abelson 131
Catherine Broderick Graduate Students and Events Coordinator Division of Science 415 South Street Brandeis University Waltham, MA 02453 781-736-2803 cbroderi brandeis edu