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Correction: Mon. Feb 13 1:00 PM Joint Quantum Seminar Ken Brown

As previously corrected - This talk is at 1:00 PM on Monday Feb 13.

Joint Quantum Seminar 
sponsored by ITAMP, Harvard-Smithsonian CfA, 
and by the Aspuru-Guzik Research Group,Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard.

1:00 PM Monday, February 13, 2012
Phillips Auditorium
60 Garden St, Cambridge, MA

Probing molecules with laser-cooled atomic ions

Kenneth Brown

Schools of Chemistry and Biochemistry; Computational Science and
Engineering; and Physics
Georgia Institute of Technology

Trapped, laser-cooled atomic ions can be controlled with unprecedented
precision and accuracy as demonstrated by both atomic ion clocks and
prototype quantum computing devices.  By trapping a mixture of
laser-cooled atomic and molecular ions, the molecular ions will be
sympathetically cooled to millikelvin temperatures.  The reaction
dynamics and spectroscopy of the molecular ion can then be observed
without the thermal distribution of ion motion.  Furthermore, the
bright fluorescence of the atomic ion can be used as a signal for
obtaining information about the molecular ion via the Coulombic
interaction. In this talk, I will present our work towards performing
single molecular ion spectroscopy on an atomic ion - molecular ion
pair. I will discuss fundamental limits and applications of the
technique for astrochemistry and the direct laser-cooling of molecular