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RE: 2010 Physics Nobel Seminar - "The Carbon New Age," Prof. Antonio H.Castro Neto (Wed, Oct. 20, 2:30pm)

Please note that the location for below has been changed to 448 Curry Student Center.



From: bapc-bounces cosmos phy tufts edu [mailto:bapc-bounces cosmos phy tufts edu] On Behalf Of Leng, Molee
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 11:21 AM
To: bapc-late cosmos phy tufts edu
Subject: 2010 Physics Nobel Seminar - "The Carbon New Age," Prof. Antonio H.C. Neto (Wed, Oct. 20, 2:30pm)


Wednesday, October 20, 2010



Northeastern University

346 Huntington Avenue, 342 Curry Student Center

2010 Physics Nobel Seminar

“The Carbon New Age”

Antonio H. Castro Neto

Boston University


Molee Leng | Physics Dept | 111 Dana | ph: 617-373-2902 | fax: 617-373-2943