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[Assistant-faculty] Majors week colloquium

Dear Colleagues-

Next Friday, as part of Majors Week, our colloquium speakers will be three Tufts physics graduates from the class of 2008. Natalie Wolchover is a science writer with Life's Little Mysteries, Andrew Hastings-Black is in wind power research and development, and Samuel Adelman works in the financial software industry.

We've asked them to come back to Tufts to tell us about their careers, and talk about how their physics degree helped prepare them for the work they are doing now. This would be a great opportunity for prospective majors to see some of the diverse career paths that are open to physics/astronomy majors.

In addition to the cookies and talk (Dept. library and Robinson 253) from 2:30-4:00 they will be having lunch with SPS at noon.

Please feel free to advertise both to your students!
