Calibrating the Dusty Cosmos was an HST snapshot survey program conducted in HST Cycle 23 (HST GO-14095) to collect Paschen-β and H-α (as well as corresponding continuum) observations of a large sample of local luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) from the GOALS survey. Using archival observations to supplement the observations taken in the program (HST 14095), a total of 53 galaxies were used in the sample. The Paschen-β observations were all taken using WFC3/IR, while the H-α observations were taken with a combination of ACS/WFC and WFC3/UVIS. To provide a rich and meaningul dataset, images in all available filters from the above-mentioned detectors were processed, creating a very heterogeneous combined sample.
Each of the fifty targets contain a varying amount of final, fully-processed images. At the very least, each target will have images for Paβ, Hα, and local continuum for each line. The filters used in the contiuum also vary (for example the optical continuum may be F606W, F621M, F555W, or F814W) due to previous availability in the archive. Furthermore, the filters used for the Paβ/Hα images may vary for the same reason, or due to the different redshifts of the targets. The table at the bottom of the page shows the available filters for each of the targets. Each image was processed/created using the DrizzlePac packages TweakReg (for alignment) and AstroDrizzle (for stacking), yielding high quality products for analysis. Where available, the images were aligned to the Hubble Source Catalog to provide an absolute astrometric reference. The data processing pipeline and all image mosaics were prepared by Varun Bajaj (STScI).
False color image of NGC 2146 taken from the sample.
The following table lists all of the images for the targets in the sample.
Click Target name to view its webpage
zip ( ) to download target images
uv/opt/ir filter to download individual images
RA, Dec to open HST MAST query
z to open NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database search
SHA ( ) to open Spitzer Heritage Archive query
Download images for all fifty targets here (33.35GB)