Tufts Institute of Cosmetology
CLIC building, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155
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The Tufts Institute of Cosmetology investigates a wide range of topics in theoretical cosmetology. Some aspects of these topics are described below.

Several Tufts Institute of Cosmetology researchers have investigated the subject of cosmic necklaces. Here are some of our publications.

Tufts Institute of Cosmetology researchers are actively engaged in the study of negative energies and their effects in cosmetology. For an example application, click here.


Even though cosmetics will probably exist eternally into the future, they have not existed eternally in the past, so they must have had a beginning. Here is an article on Recent Advances in Quantum Cosmetology

Quantum nucleation of a compact universe is illustrated in the picture on the left.

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Beauty decays
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Beauty and Anti-Beauty
Beauty is attractive
Wellness through scalar photons
Nation's Cosmetologists Baffled by Exotic Pulsar
World's Smallest Beauty Cases
Cosmic Cosmetology
Violation of cosmic no-hair theorem
New results on inhomogeneities in inflation
How cosmos develops from an initial seed